,This is January and it is the time for New Years Resolutions and positive healthy change. If you are raring to go and change for the bette, here are some thoughts as to why it is a fantastic idea to have a Personal Trainer. 1. Overwhelm. Apart from the obvious benefit of a trainer providing you some motivation and delivering faster results, a trainer can provide professional advice about your exercise. When you first join a gym or get back into a fitness program you are going to need to think about exercise selection, the reps you do, the amount of sets you do, your form, the amount of rest you have, your frequency of training and how to structure a week of training. This is so overwhelming for people going to a gym and they will come up with barriers that prevent them from training. It requires so much thinking so people will say - " I don't know what I am doing". "Will I look silly?". "I don't even know if what I am doing will get the results I want". If you don't want a trainer, that's fine. But you are going to have to start learning what kind of exercises illicit the results you are after. You need to know how many of them you need to do, how heavy they need to be, how many days per week you are going to have to exercise because these all add up. Reps, sets, training volume, weekly structure, rest periods and training frequency etc, all add up and play a crucial role in getting your results. If you are unsure of this, book in a few sessions with a trainer so they can figure this stuff out for you. Let the decision making process go to someone who does this as their job 6-7 days per week, multiple hours per day and has done it for years. It is the trainers job to know how all this stuff works together. It is easier for you to go to the gym and just do the DOING and not the THINKING and the DOING. Thinking and doing is hard. Doing is easy once you know how. 2. Nutrition. When you start with training, you already have all these decisions to make about exercise. Now you have to layer your nutrition decisions on top of that. If you want to lose weight or tone up, nutrition is going to be a big factor with this goal. Nutrition decisions may involve what diet you want to try. The way you approach diet will be very important. What portions are you going to have? How many meals? What kinds of foods and when to eat them? What about busy periods or periods when you go off the diet? How do I take in less calories without getting hungry? The way you approach your diet is going to affect how long you stick with it and what results you are going to get. Every single diet will plateau and you will need to adjust things. You will need to know what to adjust and when to adjust it. Why have you plateau'd. When it comes to getting lasting results, there are a huge amount of decisions to be made when it comes to training and nutrition. A good trainer will be able to shortcut all of the decision making processes for you when it comes to nutrition and training so that you can focus on the BIG STUFF. Most people don't think of all the stuff outside of the training and nutrition. 3. The Big Stuff. Being the new kid in a gym is stressful. You may be terrified of being the new, unfit person at the gym. Work is stressful. Looking after kids is stressful. Sleep is important also. Who makes good decisions when they are tired? When you are overly tired and stressed, you make poor decisions and the whole thing perpetuates into this negative spiral of not achieving what you want to achieve. Outside of this, how much are you moving throughout the day? What are you doing to increase your energy and mood throughout the day. WALKING more and sitting less is absolutely fundamental to achieve a healthy lifestyle. If you can get more steps during the day, it is amazing for your health. 4. Your Support Network. It is really hard to change and be healthy when you are fighting against your household, your friendship groups, your work colleagues. Opinions plant seeds. People will tell you that you don't need to lose weight, you are healthy enough already, you are muscular enough already, you are slim enough already, you are BEAUTIFUL the way you are. When you have this on your back, and then you have to make all these nutrition and training decisions, it is no wonder people get to FEBRUARY and think "FUCK THIS". So, what I want you to really focus on is, are you setting yourself up to get the maximum amount of results with the fewest possible decisions that you need to make, that you are responsible for, that you need to adjust, that you need to track, because the fewer decisions you need to make in the first important 6 weeks will have an astonishing impact on the results that you will achieve this year. These things are completely essential to know. You need to make sure that your training and your nutrition lifts you up and the more important decisions that you have to make about this, for yourself, the harder it is going to be to deliver upon the early results that you desperately want to see. This is why, when you join a gym early and start a diet, and you are fighting against your personal network as it were, you will get despondent, question your results, throw the baby out with the baby water and then make really daft decisions that includes incredibly low calorie diets, magic potion pills, detoxes etc. Set yourself up to win. Make as few decisions as you can to get the results you want and the fastest and easiest ways to do this is to get support and help from a Personal Trainer. I really believe that and that I why I do this for a career. If that trainer has a brilliant client base, like I have, then the support is already there and you are joining a group of like minded people who are ready to change, just like you on your journey. Support and encouragement is a really big win for anyone wanting to change. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.\
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here:
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