This weeks workout is called a "Descending Recovery Interval Training Workout". Interval training is an excellent method of improving your fitness quickly. It involves short burst of fast paced activity followed by periods of lower intensity active recovery activity. Think of sprinting during a game and then jogging or walking to recover. The descending recovery part means that each week, the rest between sprints becomes shorter. Many people do not try or track their progress in the gym each week so they have no idea if they are getting fitter and stronger. The Descending recovery workout clearly shows if you are getting fitter or not as you will get less recovery time between sprints each week and it's a surefire way to show that you are getting fitter and faster with each training week. See the video below for a quick demo of the workout. The WARM UP.
The Workout:
The Cooldown:
The Progression. Each week you should decrease the rest between sprints by 15 seconds.
If you have any questions please email and I can provide some tips. Many of you have different fitness levels so please exercise at your appropriate intensity and get clearance from your doctor if you have any heart conditions. Enjoy the workout. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here:
If you ask someone what the first step is to losing weight these days, chances are, they will say "Oh, I should cut out my carbs." It is the first thing that comes to mind and we now have millions of people who are deeply afraid of a slice of bread and a bowl of pasta (what a shame). So, it is no surprise that I get asked this question all the time - Do I have to avoid carbs to lose weight? In the short video below I try to explain my answer to this controversial question. Hopefully it sheds a little light for you and helps you to move forward with your fitness journey. If you are into a more in depth answer with science to back it up, check out this article after you watch the video. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here: This weeks workout is a Home HIIT Workout. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Workout. It means that each exercise is performed at a high level of intensity alternated with short periods of rest. Think of yourself as working hard and then recovering and then going again. There are only 5 bodyweight exercises. This means that you can perform this workout anywhere. You perform each exercise for 2 minutes, but within that 2 minutes you perform the exercise at a fast pace for 20 seconds and then you rest for 20 secs and you repeat that cycle 3 times. Each full round takes 10 minutes. You can then rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the cycle 1-2 more times depending on the time you have available or your current level of fitness. This is a great little workout to rapidly boost your fitness and the great thing is, it can be performed anywhere at any time. You do not need equipment and you can get a fantastic cardio workout. Please see the video below for the exercise demonstrations. Cool down with some stretching or light walking. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here: For this weeks workout we have a combo cardio and strength workout. This is an ideal workout to work your cardio, burn calories, keep your muscle and strength but also fit it into your busy week. In an ideal world we would separate cardio and strength days but some days we are busy and this is the best way to get both training systems in. The Warm Up:
The Workout:
You can progress this workout by either taking less rest between rounds, performing each round quicker or adding weight for the strength exercises. Enjoy and feel free to ask questions if you need alternatives. ([email protected]) If you like the workouts but you need some professional guidance, here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here: This weeks workout is a full body weight training workout to burn fat and prevent muscle loss. It is ideal for getting lean, fit and toned and can be performed by any fitness level. This workout utilises what's known as a mixed repetition approach whereby the first exercise of each pair is lower to moderate repetitions with slightly heavier weights and the second exercise is a higher repetition based exercise to build endurance. This means that we recruit different types of muscle fibres to work them all out in one program. See the video below for exercise demonstrations. Warm Up:
The Workout:
How To Progress This Workout. In order to get stronger and fitter each week, it is a good idea to track how much weight you have lifted in each set. This will allow you to beat the previous record by 1 more repetition or even allow you to try a heavier weight each week for 4-6 weeks. The goal of all training is to improve strength and fitness without getting hurt. Tracking your progress allows you to get better each week and build your motivation to keep going. I hope you enjoy the workout. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here: The automatic approach to getting your fitness back on track is to drop all the unhealthy stuff out of your life and commit to a full time exercise schedule to quickly drop the pounds and get back into your favourite clothes.
This works well in your head when you are sitting reading your motivational article while drinking coffee on a Saturday morning but what happen when life's s""t hits the fan. All the motivation and grand ideas go out the window. Here is how I would approach it and we have a cool little "BACK ON TRACK" fitness program for you if you are getting stuck in a rut with your health and fitness. 1. Exercise. Instead of going guns blazing and training every day, I would start with less. 2-3 workouts per week is more than enough initially. Why? Because you have been out of action for a while and your body is de-conditioned and not the well oiled machine it used to be. Too much training too soon will leave you feeling drained and stiff as a board as you recover and try to workout every day. Most people can't keep this up and subsequently give up again only to repeat the cycle a few months later. You can add workouts as you increase your fitness. 2. Nutrition. Again, instead of getting complicated meal plans that look great on paper but need a culinary degree to get on the plate, why not keep things simple. At Human Design, we like to keep things simple so we have developed all sorts of infographics, 1 page meal templates and simple habits that our busy clients can follow and actually stick to. You don't have to give up everything when you start back. In fact, 2-3 big habit changes is enough to get the weight dropping off and still leave you feeling like you are not eating rabbit food. We don't do meal plans. Your tastes are too individual. We teach you the simple mechanics of building healthy, enjoyable meals that won't leave you starving and reaching for the biscuits every few hours. 3. Accountability. Structure. Support. I would say most people derail their plans because they do not have anyone holding them accountable, they have no support system and they have no idea how to progress their plans every week and month. This is why having a good little community to train with is vital for your success. Believe it or not, you are not the only one who is busy. You are not the only one who doesn't know what to do. You are not the only one who feels unfit and a bit scared to get started for fear of looking out of place. We have seen it all with our clients and it is totally fine. We welcome it as it is a great chance to help you see that it's achievable and can fit into your busy life. We design our programs so that any fitness level can take part at their abilities and current fitness levels. We also encourage you to lift more, row quicker, hold that plank for longer but all in a safe way to ensure you always get challenged and improve without getting hurt. Back On Track Fitness Program. If you want to get your health and fitness back on track and actually build a good foundation to progress further, check out our BACK ON TRACK 8 week fitness program to get you back into the groove. We are only take 2-3 people for this as we like to keep our group sessions smaller in numbers to ensure everyone gets good coaching. I look forward to helping you get fit and healthy again. John. |
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