Every week we bring you a new fitness workout at Human Design. We try to mix it up with home workouts, weights workouts and cardio workouts. For this week we have a simple, fast and powerful interval program. You will work up a sweat in no time, burn calories for hours after and improve your fitness in as little as 2 workouts per week. The Ten x One Minute Interval Protocol. This workout was popularised by Prof Martin Gibala - author of the "One Minute Workout" and one of the worlds leading researchers into the practice and benefits of interval training. The Warm Up:
The Workout.
The Cooldown.
You can progress this workout by increasing your speed each week or couple of weeks. It is perfect for people who are stuck for time but want a health and fitness inducing cardio workout and did I forget to mention that it will burn a lot of calories. Enjoy the workout. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here:
This weeks workout is a home fitness challenge program. The idea is to work downwards in numbers from 100-10. Set a timer and see how long it takes and try to beat your time when you repeat the workout again. You still have to perform the exercises with perfect technique regardless of how fast you go. If you feel really fit you can work back up the numbers during the same workout. See the video at the bottom for all the exercises and demonstrations. The Warm Up.
The Workout:
The Cool down:
How To Progress This Workout. You can progress this workout by performing it faster and trying to beat your time. You can go down the reps and then back up the reps. The goal is to work the whole body to improve your fitness and stamina and get a good sweat on. Email [email protected] if you need some suggestions for alternative exercises. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here: What Nutrition Plan Do You Think Works Best In Your Experience When Trying To Achieve Fat Loss?6/12/2019 This is a really difficult question to answer as many people who know me, know that I am DIETNOSTIC.
I do not believe that there is one best diet or nutrition approach for fat loss because everyone has different tastes. However, outside of that boring answer, here are the main things you need to think about and I will recommend a well balanced diet at the end. 1. All diets get you to lower your energy intake. It's as simple as that. Taking in less energy than you need is the master regulator for fat loss and sustainable weight management. It is not about hormones or cleanses or detoxes etc, it is your ability to lower your calorie intake in as healthy a manner as possible in order to release fat from your fat cells, mobilise it and use it for energy. 2. Your nutrition plan must focus on whole foods. Lowering your calorie intake is tough. Your body will fight you every step of the way. Your brain plays a huge part in this and it will start a cascade of hormones throughout your body whose job is to tell you to eat more and get back to your weight. You can control the release of these hormones by eating the right types of food. Your body wants to protect you and lowering energy intake means it thinks that you are starving and not getting food, so it will try to hold on to fat and and slow everything down to do so. In order to fight these hormones and resist the urge to eat a block of chocolate when you get hungry, you should eat whole foods because they make you feel full between meals and they tell your brain that you are getting enough nutrition. Highly palatable, processed foods can often override your bodies normal biological feedback mechanisms and make you feel like you want more. The brain is getting the message that it's getting calories but not nutrition so it wants more. The good thing about focusing on whole foods is that you get to include:
The fat loss plan should not make you eliminate food groups as all of them have healthy components that contribute to your fat loss physiology. If you want to learn more about the brains impact on your diet and weight loss, read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Hungry-Brain-Outsmarting-Instincts-Overeat/dp/125008119X 3. It must be a plan that you can comfortably do for the next 5-10-20 years. There is no point in going extreme and restricting food groups. You are not going to do that forever, despite your best intentions after reading your latest wellness magazine at the weekend. Ask yourself - "Can I confidently see me doing this way of eating for the rest of my life?" and if you cannot answer with a confidence level of 9 out of 10, forget about it. I think that one of the best plans to follow is the good old fashioned Mediterranean Diet. Perhaps the world's healthiest diet, the Mediterranean Diet is abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and olive oil. It features fish and poultry—lean sources of protein—over red meat. Red wine is consumed regularly but in moderate amounts. I am pretty sure that is as good as it gets. It is well proven and has been around for many years and is not a fad approach but we seem to forget this simple approach to fat loss because everyone is slamming the low carb mantra down our throats. Balance - consistency - practical - and long lasting should be the approach you take and this is as good as any I have seen. Thanks for your questions. Email any questions to [email protected] and I will do my best to answer them with blog posts and email. Here is our latest full body weight training workout. This workout is designed for the beginner to intermediate trainee who wants to lose body fat and keep their muscle. It is a moderate to high rep program (12-15 reps per exercise) and works a lot of muscle groups in the one session. You could perform this 1-3 times per week for 4 weeks and keep progressing each week. Here is how to perform the workout. Warm Up:
The Workout:
The Cooldown:
How to progress this workout from week to week? First of all, make sure you have a rest day between weights workouts to allow your muscles to recover. You can progress this workout in a number of ways. 1. Add slightly more weight each week or every 2 weeks. 2. Always aim to get the three sets of the higher number of repetitions before adding weight. 3. Take less rest between sets. See the video below for all exercise demonstrations and email me [email protected] if you need alternative exercises. Enjoy the workout. Here Are Four Ways I Can Help You Get Fit And Lose Weight And Actually Keep it Off.
1. Here is our youtube channel which has over 100 videos including 55 workouts and other educational videos. 2. We now offer ONLINE 1-1 Personal Coaching. Train with me from anywhere in the world at any time. I now offer fully bespoke 1-1 personal training via our TRUECOACH online platform. Check it out here 3. Check out our small group coaching sessions (max 4-10 people) Small Group Coaching. 4. 1-1 Personal Training at our Studio in North Sydney. Our top level service. In-depth personalised training programs, nutrition coaching and weekly sessions at our boutique studio in North Sydney. Check out our Personal Training Options here: This week at Human Design PT we have a Fat loss and fitness conditioning circuit. We combine a bit of quick sprinting interval type training with traditional strength exercises to provide an all round fitness workout. You can do this a couple of times per week to cover the most muscle groups and get a good cardio hit. Here's how to perform the workout and check out the video below for exercise demonstrations. The Warm Up:
The Workout:
The Cooldown:
How to progress this workout: Like all of my workouts, I do not like performing them just once. I like to measure progress and it's important to see measured improvements in fitness. With this workout you can either add weight every 2 workouts, add in another round of each set of exercises, take less rest between rounds or even add a third set of 3 exercises of your own choice to make it a really tough workout. You are only limited by your imagination. Try it out and let me know how you go. |
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